Friday, October 24, 2008

Detox- The Natural Way

There maybe times when your body feels too heavy and you feel too lethargic to move even though there is nothing physically wrong with you. You want to do something energetic but your body is slack and you can't bring yourself to engage in activity. As a solution to this, you resort to lots of food and smoke and think this might make you feel lively again. All these habits have only temporary effect and the only thing you are doing is increasing toxin accumulation in your body.

With today's changing world, we too want our bodies to be ever dynamic and ready for activity as and when required. Therefore we settle for body stimulants like cigarettes, coffee, drugs, diet pills and other things thinking that all these things will keep our body active all the time but this is not true. These kinds of stimulants cause loss of energy and lead to emotional symptoms like sickness, depression and headaches. They also leave toxins in the body.

Toxins are substances that cause harm to the body. Generally, there are two types of toxins the internal or endogenous toxins and the external or exogenous toxins. External toxins arise out of external sources like tobacco smoke, car fumes, factory pollution, drugs etc. Similarly, bacterial or viral infections are sources of internal toxins. The body manufactures its own set of toxins known as autogenous toxins.

The body eliminates these harmful substances through a process known as detoxification. Detoxification is responsible for the removal of accumulated toxic products present in the blood, liver, kidneys and bowels as well as the toxic substances present in body fat. The simplest way of getting rid of toxins is through a body detox regime that involves a natural diet, especially vegetables and fruits.

If you usually lead a very busy life then it is time you substitute your stimulants with something more natural to regain energy and strength. The most commonly used stimulants are cigarettes, red meat, diet pills, coffee and refined sugar.

Sugar is known for its stimulating effect. This is the reason colas invigorate us. But we forget that refined white sugar is extremely dangerous for the body. Cola and ketchup contain the maximum amount of refined white sugar. You can cut down on your refined white sugar intake be substituting it with brown sugars and cane sugars which are natural. You can get the same kick out of fruit juices but without the detrimental effect.

People who work late at night often drink coffee in order to stay awake. Instead of coffee, Chinese or Japanese green tea can be drunk, which is much healthier. The Chinese or Japanese green tea contains caffeine and so gives the same kick as coffee, but it does not irritate the stomach.

Often people stimulate themselves by having diet pills in exchange of food. This is a common practice among athletes; especially during competitions as diet pills are known to give energy. They continue consuming these pills even after knowing of their bad effects. These athletes should, instead, eat lots of fruits, as they are good detoxifying agents.

Cigarette smokers often think that cigarette aids the mind in thinking, but all that cigarettes do is cause cancer. Carrot can give the same high as cigarettes but in a much healthier and beneficial manner.

This is why we are encouraged to eat vegetables and fruits from our childhood. It is because they are known to make the body healthy and help it fight and eliminate toxins.

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